If you’ve been thinking about selling, it may be time to speed up that decision. Low inventory and low mortgage rates are still creating the conditions for a seller’s market this season. When homes hit the market, they generally go fast.    While this is great news for potential sellers, there’s something that may be in the way of being able to jump into the market — literally. We’re talking about stuff in your home. Whether you’re dealing with decades’ worth of memories or just the everyday pile-ups that pop up in rooms (and in closets), clutter can complicate the selling process.   For one, clutter makes it difficult to even think about selling due to just how overwhelming and time-consuming it can be to deal with. Second, clutter makes…

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When you’re getting ready to enter the market as a buyer or seller, the first thing on your mind is usually about price. Equally important, though, is the topic that’s usually secondary to the price talk: What will happen if mortgage rates increase — or decrease?    Mortgage rates affect more than the financial prospects of potential buyers because any movement has a ripple effect on the local market. Before we get into that, though, let’s take a quick look at what has been going on with mortgage rates to understand what’s going on right now.  


Speaking broadly, mortgage rates have been on a downward trend for the past 30 years. (For example, in 1979, mortgage rates were an eyebrow-raising…

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An industry that is millions of real estate agents strong comes with its own set of compliments and complaints! In fact, as of October 2020, there were 1,451,031 members of the National Association of Realtors. Buying or selling a home is the biggest financial transaction that you'll have in your life, so of course, who you work with during that transaction matters. Just like with any job, there are expectations placed upon real estate agents, but when they are not met, they may leave you with a sour taste in your mouth.   Our goal is always to be transparent, so you'll find the top five concerns that folks may have about real estate agents so that you can ensure you hire the right agent to help you. Your experience should be as stress-free and…

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Spring Has Sprung, Which Means 2 Things: the Spring Real Estate Market Is Here, and It's Time to Clean! If you’re anything like us, the words “spring” and “cleaning” in the same sentence usually make us turn the other way, but when you can break intimidating tasks down into bite-sized pieces and turn them into a challenge, they are that much easier to complete. Introducing the 10-Day Declutter Challenge!    You've probably heard how hot the real estate market is right now, and with spring typically being the busy season, a lot is going on. Whether you're thinking about selling your home but know that some spring cleaning is necessary before a photographer comes by or you simply need to do a bit of a refresh, this challenge is for…

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Sometimes, you have to get a little creative to stand out in this busy market.   Over the past year, the real estate market has been so hot that it’s not unusual for homes to go off-market in days. (The lack of inventory is to blame.) When even homes that need serious work are breaking price records, it is easy to feel discouraged if you’re trying to buy right now.
Don’t give up, though. Getting your offer accepted isn’t necessarily about coming in with the biggest bag of money. It’s really being able to anticipate what, exactly, the seller’s goals are and creating the offer that solves all of their problems. While your agent will weigh in with a strategy based on your market, there are a few common ways you can make your offer stand out. Whether…

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Here’s the month-by-month breakdown of what you can expect if you’re buying or selling by the end of the year.    Whether 2020 put off your plans to sell your home or enter the market as a buyer, or you were aiming to do either this year already, 2021 is shaping up to be a great year to make your move(s). For sellers, there are plenty of interested buyers out there — in fact, more buyers than there are available properties in many markets. Buyers, don’t let that put you off of making the leap to homeownership. Sellers are seeing the steady demand and becoming more eager to list their homes.   Of course, achieving your goal doesn’t happen overnight. If you’re realistically looking at buying or selling in 6-9 months (the most common timeframes…

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Just imagine, you put your home on the market and not only does it quickly get multiple offers but some of those are over asking price. That’s such a great feeling, right?!    Then comes paperwork, legalities, negotiation, and an appraisal. The process of having your home appraised starts with someone coming to your house to inspect it from top to bottom, inside and out. This is done to assess the actual value of your home and is based on several components including the size of your lot and house, the condition that your house is in, any improvements that you’ve made along the way, and more. The potential risk here is that your home appraises for significantly less than the offer was for. That could cause the buyer to walk away from the deal if…

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Picking out paint colors is probably one of the most fun yet crucial parts of decorating your space. The colors you choose will set the tone for the entire look and feel you’re going for. While it’s certainly exciting to look at paint swatches online or on a piece of paper, you’re often left stumped on how you can incorporate those colors into your own home.   This week’s blog post features the hottest new paint trends for 2021, along with real-life, visual examples of exactly how you can enjoy these new colors in the interior and exterior of your home.  


This calming “Blissful Blue” will help cheer you up as you continue to make your home the center of your world. If you have patio furniture, take this blue and…

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The real estate market is still on fire! This has many potential sellers asking themselves if listing their home with a real estate agent is necessary or not, especially when homes are selling so quickly. After all, the home inventory crisis continues to be a relevant theme, especially with buyer demand up by 60%.   While “For Sale By Owner” (FSBO) is still an option for any seller in 2021, it comes with its own set of risks.   


2 women looking at a computer   When it comes to an FSBO transaction, marketing your home can seem as simple as utilizing your circle of contacts and/or listing your home yourself using a plethora of online listing services such as Zillow, Redfin, and Opendoor. But it is important to know that…

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Don’t overlook that fixer-upper — these makeovers prove you can turn any property into a gem. When you’re looking to buy a home in a heated market with low inventory, you often have to consider properties that wouldn’t normally be on your list. These are the homes that are politely referred to as “fixer-uppers,” encompassing everything from ‘80s time capsules to homes that need a lot of TLC. 

Though home makeover shows make the process look easy, it’s difficult to see past the aesthetic challenges when you’re looking at the listing (let alone when you’re touring the home in person). If you don’t have a team of designers at your command, the following YouTubers are the next best thing. Each is a real-life homeowner (or design pro) who has renovated,…

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